Ratnik (program) — Wikipedia

Ratnik (Russian: Ратник; Warrior) is a Russian future infantry combat system. It is designed to improve the connectivity and combat effectiveness of combat personnel in the Russian Armed Forces. Improvements include modernised body armour, a helmet with a special eye monitor (thermal, night vision monocular, flashlight), communication systems, and special headphones. It includes 10 subsystems and 59 individual items. As of October 2016, it has already seen combat use.[1][2]


The «Strelets» («Musketeer») system provides voice and video communication. The system also includes a GLONASS navigation module so that a squad leader can see the location of each soldier on his small, book-sized, computer. With this computer, he also can give orders to his squad, and send videos and photos to headquarters. As well as this, each soldier has their own smaller telephone-sized tactical computer.

Ratnik protects almost 90% of a soldier’s body. The main body armour (Standard vest) is rated at protection class 6, according to GOST R 50744-95[3], and weighs 7.5 kg (with the Assault variant weighing up to 15 kg). The main body armour fully protects from 7.62×39mm rounds from assault rifles, and 7.62×54mmR from sniper rifles, including the increased penetration of hardened rounds, and can survive hits from repeated shots in these calibres conducted at close range.[4] The weight of the full Ratnik infantry system with the special thigh and shoulder bulletproof shields is 19–20 kg. Basic Ratnik gear (for engineers and medics) weighs 15 kg (without thigh and shoulder guards). Ratnik gear is made of a special fabric preventing troops from being detected by infrared devices.[5] The passive exoskeleton significantly increases physical abilities of a soldier, protects joints and the spine and can be adjusted to the height of a particular soldier. The exoskeleton is made of lightweight carbon fiber and supports the musculoskeletal system when a person carries weights up to 50 kg (packs, special gear, armaments and ammunition) during long marches and assaults. It is a mechanical device with levers and swivels in the shape of human joints. The exoskeleton has been fully integrated with the Ratnik soldier ensemble in years 2017-2018 during military operations in Syria and has a weight varying between 4 and 8 kg, depending on configuration.


Production history[edit]

Prototype Ratnik kits were initially distributed to selected units in the Ground Forces in 2013 according to Oleg Martyanov, a member of Russia’s Military-Industrial Commission, which acts as the government’s liaison with the defense industry.[8] According to other sources, the Ratnik system underwent final acceptance tests in late 2013. All the equipment of Ratnik (firearms, body armour, optic, communication and navigation devices, medical, and power supply systems, as well as uniform items such as knee and el


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