MiG-21 — Vikipedi


Polonya Hava Kuvvetleri’nin 1. Donanma Avcı Filosu’na ait MiG-21bis.

Türü Avcı
Ulusal köken  Sovyetler Birliği
Üretici Mikoyan-Gurevich OKB
Tasarımcı Artem Mikoyan
İlk uçuş 14 Şubat 1955 (Ye-2)
Hizmete giriş 1959 (MiG-21F)
Hizmetten çıkış 1990’lar (Rusya)
Durumu Faal (listeye bakınız)
Ana kullanıcı Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetler Birliği (SSCB)
Diğer kullanıcılar Hindistan
Üretim aralığı 1959 (MiG-21F) — 1985 (MiG-21bis)
Üretim sayısı 11,496
(10,645 adet SSCB, 194 adet Çekoslovakya, 657 adet Hindistan)
Değişimleri Chengdu J-7

MiG-21 (Rusça: Микоян и Гуревич МиГ-21) (NATO rapor ismi: «Fishbed«), Sovyetler Birliği’nde Mikoyan Gurevich Tasarım Bürosu tarafından tasarlanan ve üretilen süpersonik (sesten hızlı) jet avcı/önleyici uçağıdır.
Uçağın görünüşünün bu ünlü Rus telli müzik aletine benzerliği sebebiyle «balalayka» takma ismini almıştır. Polonyalı (Leh) pilotlar tarafından da gövde şeklinden dolayı ołówek (kalem) olarak isimlendirilmiştir. İlk versiyonları ikinci nesil jet avcı uçağı olarak nitelense de sonraki versiyonları üçüncü nesil jet avcı uçağı olarak kabul edilir. MiG-21, dört kıtada ellinin üzerinde ülke tarafından uçurulmuştur ve ilk uçuşunun üzerinden yarım yüzyıldan fazla süre geçmesine rağmen hala bazı ülkelerde hizmet vermektedir. Bu savaş uçağı, havacılık tarihinin en çok üretilen süpersonik jet uçağı, Kore Savaşı’ndan bu yana en çok üretilen savaş uçağı ve bütün versiyonlarda 1959’dan 1985’e kadar en uzun üretim süresine sahip savaş uçağı olmak üzere bir dizi modern havacılık rekorunu elinde bulundurmaktadır. Her tipten 11,496 adet MiG-21 üretilmiştir.


DCS: MiG-21bis

The MiG-21bis is a delta wing, supersonic, fighter-interceptor jet aircraft. Much like the AK-47 became the everyman’s rifle, the MiG-21 has been operated by more than 40 countries worldwide, and has enjoyed the longest production run of any modern jet fighter to date. The MiG-21, in all of its variants, has fought in wars stretching all the way from the Vietnam War in the 1960’s to the modern day Syrian Civil War. Owing to its unique blend of versatility, ruggedness and maintainability, the MiG-21 remains in active service to this very day.

Leatherneck Simulations’ recreation of the MiG-21 is, by far, the most accurate and comprehensive simulation of this supersonic jet fighter to date. The fully simulated systems, interactive cockpit, advanced flight modeling and incredible graphical fidelity come together to create a package that will provide you with the most authentic simulation possible. So strap in, and get ready to experience the rebirth of a legend.


The MiG-21bis is a delta wing, supersonic, fighter-interceptor jet aircraft. Much like the AK-47 became the everymans’ rifle, the MiG-21 has been operated by more than 40 countries worldwide, and has enjoyed the longest production run of any modern jet fighter to date. The MiG-21, in all of its’ variants, has fought in wars stretching all the way from the Vietnam War in the 1960’s to the modern day Syrian Civil War. Owing to it’s unique blend of versatility, ruggedness and maintainability, the MiG-21 remains in active service to this very day. Initially designed as a pure-bred interceptor, the MiG-21 has over the years evolved into a hybrid multirole aircraft. In addition to a vast Air-to-Air arsenal, it can effectively employ unguided rockets, bombs and radar-guided missiles to destroy ground or naval targets.

The MiG-21BIS 75AP (МиГ-21бис Изделие 75) was the ultimate development of the MiG-21, fitted with the Tumansky R25-300 turbojet engine and a great number of other advances over previous types. The MiGs’ intended for the Soviet PVO (Air Defense Force) were equipped with the Lazur GCI system (NATO: «Fishbed-L»), while those for the Soviet Air Force were fitted with the Polyot ILS system (NATO: «Fishbed-N»). It’s fitted with instruments and electronic equipment ensuring capability to fly by day and at night, under fair and poor weather conditions. The MiG-21BIS is considered to be a third generation jet fighter. Some 50 countries over four continents have flown the MiG-21, and it still serves many nations half-century after its’ maiden flight. Several firms offer upgrade programs for the MiG-21, designed to bring the aircraft up to modern standards, with greatly upgraded avionics and armament. The DCS: MiG-21bis simulates an aircraft built to the Fishbed-N standard.

MiG-21 Specifications

Crew: 1

Length: 15.0 m (with Pitot) (49 ft 2.5 in)

Wingspan: 7.154 m (23 ft 5.66 in)

Height: 4.125 m (13 ft 6.41 in)

Wing area: 23.0 m2 (247.3 ft2)

Empty weight: 5,339 kg (11,770 lb)

Gross weight: 8,725 kg (19,235 lb)

Powerplant: 1 x Tumansky R25-300, 44 kN static thrust dry, 71 kN static thrust with afterburner


The DCS: MiG-21 comes with a 6 degrees-of-freedom, interactive, clickable cockpit. Detailed meshwork and textures provide the end-user with an immersive cockpit flying experience. DCS World also offers full Oculus Rift support, and the MiG-21 cockpit is no exception.

To simplify the mastering of the cockpit and its’ controls, tooltips are provided to the end user in both English and Russian languages.

The cockpit, all text and artwork, has been fully translated from the original Russian labeling to English. Control over which cockpit language you’d like to use is achieved by a setting in the options menu.

Exterior Model

The DCS: MiG-21 exterior model is highly detailed and features high-resolution textures with normal and specular maps. Highly detailed afterburner, exhaust and suspension animations (amongst others) further improve immersion.

Over 10 liveries are provided with the aircraft, ranging from countries such as Egypt to Finland.

A package of pre-compiled photoshop files (.PSD) will be made available after release for easy community livery creation and repainting.

Interactive Training Missions

The DCS: MiG-21 comes with a full suite of interactive training missions that will significantly assist in the learning process of learning this complex aircraft. These training missions are divided into three sections: Basic Training, Navigation, and Weapons Employment.

Singleplayer Campaign

The DCS: MiG-21 will come with a comprehensive Singleplayer campaign, featuring two fictional factions and a host of diverse missions and scenarios.


The DCS: MiG-21bis comes with a full suite of documentation to help you become proficient with the aircraft. The manual weighs in at around 200 pages; and covers every system or function in great detail. Quick-start guides and other reference material (video tutorials) will also be available.

Avionics & Systems Fidelity

The DCS: MiG-21 is designed to from the ground up to faithfully recreate and simulate all interior avionics to their fullest extent. No effort has been spared in making this one of the most complex and accurate flight simulation aircraft available, which is designed to meet the Advanced Systems Modelling («ASM») criteria set forth by Eagle Dynamics.

The DCS: MiG-21 simulates all major and minor avionics and system components found in the Fishbed-N, including, but not limited to:

  • ARK-10 Radio Direction Finder
  • RSBN-4N Radio Navigation System
  • RP-22M «Sapfir» Radar
  • SAU Autopilot, including e.g. auto-landing and recovery modes
  • NPP and KPP Instruments
  • ASP-PDF-M Gunsight
  • SARPP Data Recorder
  • RSIU-5V Radio
  • SRZO-2M «Krom-Nikel» Identify Friend-or-Foe («IFF») System.
  • SPO-10 «Sirena 3-M» Radio Warning Receiver («RWR»)

Engine Simulation – Tumansky R25-300

By 1971, Sergey Tumansky’s OKB-300 design bureau had completed work on the new R-25-300 after burning turbojet engine; and what was to be the ultimate development of the R-11. The R-25-300 is a two-spool axial flow turbojet engine, with significant improvements in all performance parameters over its’ predecessors. Take-off thrust, in comparison to latter models, was increased by 2,200 kgp.

A unique specialty of the R-25-300 was the addition of a second, emergency, reheat (afterburner) stage. When activated by the pilot, this stage allows the engine to produce around 100 kN of thrust at Mach 1. Due to the risk of severe engine damage, this mode is limited to three minutes of use in emergency war-time conditions.

The DCS: MiG-21 accurately models and reproduces the performance and unique characteristics of the Tumansky R-25-300 engine. You will have to learn how to take proper care of your power plant, avoiding flight conditions where you risk damaging the engine components or even loosing all thrust. Mid-Air engine re-light attempts are as exciting as ever!


Versions of the MiG-21 — MiG-21.de

Notice: This page is not subject to any update. For updated information please refer to the German pages of this website or the publications by the author.

About 20 main and sub versions of the MiG-21 can be divided into four generations. In the following the main features of the several generations are shown. The — often wrong designated - Western code names are subject to a separate list.


Daylight interceptor without radar, armed with guns (one or two 30mm NR-30 respectively), guided or unguided missiles on two wing pylons.

  • MiG-21F (Изделие = product 65)
  • MiG-21F (72)
  • MiG-21F-13 (74)
  • MiG-21F-13 (S-106, built under licence in Czechoslovakia)


First production model:
MiG-21F at Central Army Museum Moscow.


The MiG-21F-13 was built in large numbers for both Soviet Air Force and export. The aircraft in Hermeskeil Museum (Germany) was the first delivered to Poland and the second exported at all.


Recognizable by its metal-covered rear cockpit section
MiG-21F-13 from Czechoslovak production (seen here at a scrap yard near Hradec Krlov).


Radar equipped all-weather interceptor, armed with missiles on two wing pylons only, some versions with external GP-9 gun pod (one 23mm two-barrel gun GSh-23).

  • MiG-21PF (76)
  • MiG-21FL (77)
  • MiG-21FL (77, built under licence in India)
  • MiG-21PFS (94)
  • MiG-21PFM (94A)
  • MiG-21PFM (94N)


MiG-21PF at Moscow-Chodynka airport.


With new ejection seat KM-1 and side opening canopy:
Bulgarian MiG-21PFM as gate guard at Graf Ignatievo.


All-weather interceptor and reconnaissance aircraft with gun and missile (on four wing pylons) armament (one 23mm gun GSh-23, MiG-21S with GP-9 gun pod, MiG-21R with recce pod instead of the gun).

  • MiG-21R (94R, 03)
  • MiG-21RF (94R)
  • MiG-21S (95)
  • MiG-21SM (15)
  • MiG-21M (88, built under licence in India)
  • MiG-21M (96)
  • MiG-21MF (96A)
  • MiG-21MT (96B)
  • MiG-21MF (96F)
  • MiG-21MF-75 (63)
  • MiG-21SMT (50)
  • MiG-21ST (50bis)


First model fitted with four pylons: reconnaissance version MiG-21R.


Reconnaissance aircraft tailored to Egyptian needs:


On display at Monino:
MiG-21S prototype carrying R-60 missiles on P-62-II twin launcher.


Purpose build for export:
Polish Air Force MiG-21M at Bydgoszcz Airshow 1996.


Exclusively in Soviet Air Force inventory: MiG-21SM at Central Army Museum Moscow.


For export the SM model was equipped with the old RP-21 radar:
MiG-21MF of Hungarian Air Force in storage at Ppa in 2000.


Too much: Because of its oversized spine the MiG-21SMT was difficult to fly. After the retirement of all Russian MiG-21 the SMT only can be found in museums — seen here at Moscow-Chodynka.


All-weather interceptor with improved air combat performances at low and medium altitudes, engine and airframe completely redesigned.

  • MiG-21bis LAZUR (75A*)
  • MiG-21bis SAU (75B*)
  • MiG-21bis (75, built under licence in India)


MiG-21’s fourth generation is represented by the two versions of the MiG-21bis:
Polish MiG-21bis LAZUR at Malbork and …


… MiG-21bis SAU of the Hungarian Air Force, stored at Ppa.


First, second and third generation of MiG-21 included a twin-seated trainer version. All trainers had two wing pylons only and lacked internal gun and radar.

  • MiG-21U-400 (66)
  • MiG-21U-600 (66)
  • MiG-21US (68)
  • MiG-21UM (69)


The first generation of MiG-21 trainers was delivered in two versions:
MiG-21U-400 and …


… MiG-21U-600 of the East German Air Force stored for scrapping at Rothenburg air base in 1994.


The new ejection seat required a periscope for the instructor:
MiG-21US at Bulgarian Air Force Museum Plovdiv in 2000.


Trainer of the third (and fourth) generation:
Hungarian Air Force MiG-21UM stored at Ppa.


* unofficial designations


Versions of the J-7 / F-7

The Chinese MiG-21 copies J-7 (home market) / F-7 (export) can be divided in three generations based on the MiG-21F-13 airframe, a separate development featuring the fuselage of the MiG-21MF as well as a number of twin-seated trainers. Today these types differ in many features from their Soviet predecessors:


Daylight interceptor without radar or with radar range finder, armed with guns (one or two 30mm 30-I respectively), bombs, guided or unguided missiles on two or four wing pylons.

  • J-7
  • J-7I
  • F-7A
  • J-7II
  • F-7B
  • F-7BS


Like its ancestor MiG-21F-13 the F-7A is lacking port gun.


All-weather interceptor with radar, armed with guns (two 30mm 30-I), bombs, guided or unguided missiles on four wing pylons.


The F-7P equipped with Western avionics is probably the most powerful version of the second J / F-7 generation.


All-weather interceptor with upgraded avionics and double-delta wing, armed with guns (one 30mm 30-I), bombs, guided or unguided missiles on four wing pylons.


The J-7E shown here in the colours of the 1st August Team is the version for domestic needs …


… while the F-7MG is produced for export.


Final version F-7G, in this case F-7GS for Sri Lanka.


All-weather interceptor with an airframe similar to the third MiG-21 generation, armed with guns (one 23mm-cannon), bombs, guided or unguided missiles on four wing pylons.

  • J-7C / J-7III
  • J-7D / J-7IIIA


Several variants of twin-seated trainers, some armed with guns (one 23mm-cannon), bombs, guided or unguided missiles on two or four wing pylons, with and without radar.

  • JJ-7
  • FT-7
  • JJ-7A
  • FT-7A
  • JJ-7B
  • FT-7B
  • JJ-7M
  • FT-7M
  • FT-7P
  • FT-7PG
  • FT-7NI


This FT-7 shown at Zhuhai in 1998 is one of the earlier versions recognizable by its two pylons.


FT-7P with four pylons and ventral 23mm cannon.


Featuring avionics of J / F-7G: FT-7NI.



MiG-21 / МиГ-21 / MiG-21 Fishbed | Geschichte / Technik / Einsatz | History / Technical Data / In Service | История / Техника / Применение


Letzte Aktualisierung / Last update: 22.06.2019

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