
Командир Армии погибели Легиона — Достижение

Комментарий от Wundemar

Для ускорения набора репутации как всегда хорошо быть Человеком с их расовой способностью Дипломатия, а так же во время открытой Ярмарки Новолуния брать баф ВУХУУУ! +10% к набору репы, просто покатавшись на карусели.

Комментарий от danirkin2012

После прибытия на Расколотый берег в компании Кадгара, вы начнете выполнять сюжетную цепочку заданий, выполнение которых вам будет приносить значительное количество репутации.
Дополнительно получать репутацию вы сможете следующими способами:
— Цепочка заданий от Археолог Карла, состоящей из 8 квестов, в итоге открывающая доступ к Охотник за сокровищами Икс’реегед и его тайникам: +75 репутации за каждый квест.
— Обычные, редкие и элитные локальные задания на самом берегу: +75 репутации за выполнение одного задания.
— Редкие элитные локальные задания, типа Естественный отбор: +150 репутации за выполнение одного задания.
— Элитные эпические локальные задания на самом берегу по ликвидации одного из ворлд-босса, типа Апокрон +500 репутации (при активной постройке «Разрушитель пустоты»).
— Локальные задания в Соборе Вечной Ночи +500 репутации за задание (при активной постройке «Ставка командования»).
— Локальные задания в Гробница Саргераса типа Гробница Саргераса: жизнь после смерти: +500 репутации за задание.
Полный список локалок на Расколотом берегу, приносящих репутацию с Армией Погибели Легиона.
— Фарм различными способами Припасы Армии погибели Легиона и вклад в строительство построек на берегу: +150 репутации за 100 припасов.
— Жетоны Знак Армии погибели Легиона с выполненных заданий соратников в оплоте класса: +250 репутации за 1 жетон.
— Мета-локальное задание Маги Кирин-Тора в Даларане и выбрать в качестве награды Большой знак Армии погибели Легиона: +750 репутации за 1 жетон.
Различные баффы и расовые бонусы, конечно же, работают.

Комментарий от 1z1z

Репутацию так же дают победы в битве питомцев 75 ед, в частности Сиссикс в Лагере Аалген.


Армия погибели Легиона — Фракция

Краткая информация


Комментарий от hevgirl

Командир Армии погибели Легиона Revered with this faction is a requirement for Первопроходец Расколотых островов, часть 2 account-wide Legion Flying

edit: achieve currently unknown — Broken Isles Pathfinder: Part 2

Комментарий от Cr00xY

Anyone knows if the shards earned during pre Legion event (invasions) will be the same ones used in here or not?

Комментарий от ZeeAUS

How do I farm rep with Armies of Legionfall?

Completing content mostly related to patch 7.2.

The bulk of your rep will come from World Quests on the Broken Shore (75 rep each) and turning in 100Припасы Армии погибели Легиона for Broken Shore building construction (150 rep).

There are a variety of larger rep activities, but most of them are one-offs or time limited (World Boss quests, Legion Assaults, Raid World Quests).
If you want details on these check out the excellent wowhead guide here

So if you’re farming your way to revered for flying get into those world quests and building construction.

Week 3 of 7.2 — A further edit to this — as time passes more of the Broken Shore story line will open up, and the rep from this chain is significant (1500 per quest for many quests). So as patch 7.2 gets older the World Quests and building construction will become less relevant to your rep farming and it will be quicker to get rep by completing the quest chain for Проникновение в Гробницу.
I’ve just hit revered (Week 3) so now have my flying and will stop farming rep and just get to exalted over time as the storyline progresses.

Комментарий от JuanFernandez77

Even though flying will be nice. I think it will ruin a certain element of the game.

Комментарий от remotettl

is there a paragon mount for them or since they came late, its not gona be added to the game? goshhhh

Комментарий от Aerynsun8449

How long does it take from building destruction to being able to contribute to its reconstruction? The Mage Tower was destroyed yesterday, 4/16/2017. And today it still sits in dark, not under construction. I ask, because I have 313 Legionfall War Supplies to contribute, each contribution awards 150 rep with the Armies of Legionfall, and I’m sitting at 11,885/12,000 to get flying in the Broken Isle. I’ve completed all the dailies for today. I’m hoping I don’t have to wait until tomorrow to do two dailies in order to pick up flying. I would think we could remove the rubble and start rebuilding within hours of its destruction.

Who’s with me, let’s lend a hand and get that rubble removed! (aka blizzard, please reduce the time from destruction of a building to reconstruction. And while you’re at it, increase the rez time on a LOT of the mobs for the battle of each zone.)

Комментарий от MisterK

Indirect reputation sources give Legionfall War Supplies. When 100 are contributed to a building you get 150 reputation:
  • Limited spawns: Looting Потайной сундук змееустов giving an average of four legionfall war supplies each and can proc a legendary. Chests become unlootable after 15 seconds from the time they’ve been opened. If your inventory was full, you should get the items in the mail. When you’ve looted too many according to Blizzard, the chests simply become unlootable (invisible) to you.
  • Limited spawns: Slaying rares on the Broken Shore; anything with a gray elite icon should drop some war supplies. These pop up on the map as green skulls, but Sentinax lieutenants, or rares summoned from unstable nether portals only appear on the minimap, so you need to be in proximity to see them, or get notified.
  • Limited summons: If the Nether Disruptor building is available, Разрушитель врат Пустоты can summon rares from randomly spawning unstable nether portals, which are shown on the mini-map. These rares seemingly yield the same amount of war supplies as the chests, but this may still be tweaked. These pop up on the minimap, and if you’re in the same sub-zone, you get a notification when a rare is summoned.
  • Summoned: Sentinax portal stones can summon lieutenants, but these rares don’t seem to consistently drop war supplies.
  • Order Hall missions: Some give war supplies.

Direct reputation sources:

  • Dailies: Completing Broken Shore world quests which spawn throughout the day. They also give some war supplies.
  • Order Hall missions: Some give reputation tokens for Armies of Legionfall specifically. Дар Расколотых островов can produce one for Armies of Legionfall when opened.
  • Completing Broken Shore quests as they unlock for Breaching the Tomb.

Boosting reputation gain:

  • Time-limited availability: 10% from the Darkmoon Faire carousel buff ВУХУУУ!. You can also buy the Цилиндр Новолуния at the faire, which applies an equivalent buff without forcing you to go back to the carousel every time (the hat only works during the faire).
  • Random availability/up to Blizzard: 30% for Armies of Legionfall, specifically. It’s a random perk for the Mage Tower that may be selected when it becomes available for construction.
  • Mages: 5% for frost mages who apply Мудрость Совета. Beware that flying across the Great Sea could remove the buff. This includes the flight path from Dalaran to the Broken Shore. Set your Hearthstone to Deliverance Point at the Broken Shore to work around this bug. (You can switch back to fire or arcane specs and retain this buff. Frost spec is required to see the buff givers in Dalaran — Broken Isles).

Compared to Tanaan Jungle, efforts have been made to limit broadcasting messages when rares spawn, and to respawn rare elites (the green skulls on the zone map) within a minute or so. You won’t know if a lieutenant from the Sentinax has been summoned unless you’re in the area or passing by, in which case a green skull will only appear on the minimap. The same goes for spawning a rare by disrupting an unstable nether portal. In that case you get a zone message if you’re in the same sub-zone, and can see a yellow star on the minimap; however, the star doesn’t say if it was tapped.

Комментарий от dicci

Does anyone know what the paragon cache gives?

Комментарий от Dknight85

so i got a question. ive been doing the legionfall rep on my deathknight…just logged on my tank on another server and i have the nethershard farming quest…can i still do that and get the credit or i have to do it on the one toon?

Комментарий от UKMF

Having just (like ten minutes ago) earned this rep I’m now of two minds about it. I feel like I should have a title (Legion lesion?) free tabard, or some other optional yet obvious way to show I’ve done reached this level. On the other hand, it needs to be optional because I’m not sure I really feel all that proud.

Комментарий от vicioushunter

So is there a point in getting exalted legionfall since the class mounts are no longer locked behind it?
They don’t have mounts (yet). They give less rep and less world quests than other zones. The kirin tor daily is diminished.

Комментарий от sherrylynnbell

I maxed this yesterday and the achievement seems to be on all my toons.
Yay for not having to grind this 20 times!

Комментарий от wolframwow

Just do the story quests, and donate Припасы Армии погибели Легиона to building construction.

Комментарий от Livefreewow

I’m at a 91% wish it would show me what I’m missing. Its like a goose chase to fine it.

Комментарий от Goodbar

Ol’ Khadgar is caught in a loop. Arcane magic is tricky

Комментарий от Vikinng

Still working on it tons of work though

Союз защитников Азерота, поставивших своей целью сокрушить силы Легиона в гробнице Саргераса и на Расколотом берегу.


Дополнительная информация


Командир Армии погибели Легиона — Заклинание

Комментарий от Durpii

Buff is received when the Command Center on the Broken Shore is built.

You receive assistance from the various factions around the Broken Isles when fighting mobs, (eg. Val’kyrs helping you in Stormheim, rocks spiking underneath enemies in Highmountain, and blue dragon whelps in Azsuna).

Not sure what are the other assistance you can get in the other zones, only fought mobs in those zones.

Комментарий от blupache

If by «Helpful Assistance», you include uncontrollable pets who like to randomly body pull or attack new targets cos they got clipped by AoE.

Buff can be clicked off if you’re trying to keep yourself from being locked in-combat on a PVP server, or trying to control your pulls in an area crowded by elites.

If you want it back — because the DPS on some of the effects really is pretty good — then the buff will reappear when you log out & back in. After the first activation when a character initially opens the Command Center, no further visits to Broken Shore are required.

Комментарий от sitecow09

This is the buff that the Command Center at the Broken Shore gives you. It lasts as long as it is up and you are in a Broken Isles zone.

Broken Shore
-A Warden Initiate will follow you for a while, doing damage and occasionally stunning the target.
-A demon hunter will fly down and slash everything around you before leaving.
-When taking damage, you may get Protection of the Kirin Tor, giving you increased damage while inside the big purple bubble that pops up.

-A herd of Withered will stampede near you, doing damage and stunning all they run into.
-A pair of shal’dorei (one with a sword, one with a hammer) will follow and protect you for a while.
-Some arcane crystals will shoot from the ground, float in the air a bit, and then fire to where your enemies are standing, damaging them.

-A tauren shaman will protect you for a while, casting lightning bolt and shocks.
-The Hammer of Kaz’goroth will send a huge row of earth-spikes at your target, damaging them a ton.
-A squad of Skyhorn will fly by on eagles and rain arrows down on your enemies.

-You will get Brood of Senegos, where a bunch of adorable blue whelps will fly around you and… basically do nothing. (Don’t mock them! They’re just babies and they’re trying their best ;_;)
-Farondis will launch a meteor storm at your current target.
-Gain “Protection of the Court” which increases your haste and decreases damage taken.

-Odyn gives you a runic buff that either increases your damage or decreases your damage taken.
-A val’kyr swoops down and damages everything around you.
-Hyrja will shoot light novas at your enemies.
-Hymdall will throw his spinning sword at your enemies.

-Cenarius will cast entangling roots under your enemies, damaging and slowing them as long as they stand in it.
-You will sometimes gain a heal-over-time when you take damage


Армиия Падения Легиона — гайд по прокачке репутации (WoW Легион)

Понравился наш сайт? Ваши репосты и оценки — лучшая похвала для нас! Пожалуйста, оцените материал:

Армия Падения Легиона — это новая фракция, которая появится в игре в патче 7.2. Репутация с ней требуется для достижения  Следопыт Расколотых островов, часть 2, а также для приобретения великолепных наград! Для  Следопыт Расколотых островов, часть 2 требуется Почтение, а для выполнения заданий на классовый транспорт — Превознесение.

Как получить доступ к интенданту фракции?

Чтобы увидеть интенданта, необходимо прокачать персонажа до 110 уровня и принять участие в сценарии  Атака на Расколотый берег.


 Командир Падения Легиона (Почтение) является частью достижения, открывающего доступ к полетам на Расколотых островах (Следопыт Расколотых островов, часть 2). Превознесение требуется для выполнения цепочки заданий на классовый транспорт.

Боевой маг Кэт’лин торгует следующими предметами:

  •  Прижигающий осколок Бездны (Уважение), 5000 Осколков Пустоты: Имитирует эффект Прижигания (мгновенно восполняет здоровье, а затем постепенно наносит урон).
  •  Штандарт Падения Легиона (Уважение), 4000 Осколков Пустоты: Декоративный предмет, создает штандарт с эмблемой Падения Легиона.
  •  Карманный портал Легиона (Почтение), 7500 Осколков Пустоты: Игрушка, создающая опасный портал. Упоминания об этом предмете встречались в альфа-версии клиента Легиона, и игроки долгое время безуспешно искали его.
  •  Перенастроенный сосредоточитель Скверны (Почтение), 7500 Осколков Пустоты: Эликсир, дающий +500 ед. к основной характеристике. Аналоги сосредоточителя встречались и в предыдущих дополнениях, например  Шепчущий кристалл Орелия.
  •  Симулятор вторжения Легиона (Превознесение), 25000 Осколков Пустоты: Призывает игрушечный корабль Легиона, который может участвовать в боях! Работает по аналогии с  Пульт управления паровым танком ярмарки Новолуния.
  •  Гербовая накидка Падения Легиона (Превознесение), 10000 Осколков Пустоты: Гербовая накидка с эмблемой Падения Легиона.

При прокачке репутации на уровне Идеал можно будет получить Осиротевший сквернотопырь —  Сейф Падения Легиона за  Сокровища Падения Легиона

Кроме того, Кэт’лин продает предметы, для которых не требуется репутация:

Рядом с Кэт’лин стоит Чудотворец Вашрин. Он продает улучшенные заготовки по 5000 Осколков Пустоты (репутация не требуется). При использовании улучшенных заготовок игрок может получить предмет уровня рейдов или подземелий и даже легендарный предмет (с небольшой вероятностью). Наверняка вы помните, что именно Вашрин всегда присылает вам добычу, если для нее не нашлось места в сумках. Теперь же он готов выручить тех, кому не везет с легендарной экипировкой.

 Осколки Пустоты, служившие валютой в пре-патче, получат вторую жизнь. Осколки можно будет собирать, участвуя в различных событиях на Расколотом берегу.

Прокачка репутации с Армией Падения Легиона

Репутацию с Армией Падения Легиона можно будет получить за выполнение заданий:

 Прорваться в гробницу — это многоступенчатая сюжетная цепочка заданий на Расколотом берегу. Выполняя их, вы будете постепенно набирать репутацию.

Ниже перечислены самые любопытные локальные задания. Полный список можно найти на странице Армии Падения Легиона.

Награды за репутацию Идеала

  • Достигнув Превознесения с конкретной фракцией, вы увидите в интерфейсе небольшой знаком в виде сумки, который будет обозначть, что вы готовы стать Идеалом для этой фракции.
  • За каждые 10000 ед. репутации выше Превознесения игроки будут получать сундуки с уникальными наградами.


Armies of Legionfall Reputation Guide — Guides


Комментарий от Djuntas

Thanks, good guide 🙂 I hope we don’t have to grind to exalted on alts that wants the class order hall mount.

Комментарий от Gallywix

Thanks !
Do you know how long it will take to earn revered rank?

Комментарий от arcanepower

Guide completely leaves out gear.

Комментарий от arcanepower

Guide completely leaves out gear.

Комментарий от Plarky

Wanted to mention that the Gaining Reputation portion of the guide doesn’t state that rep can be gained from class hall missions. However on both of my characters who have completed the Broken Shore scenario have had a mission show up that grants a token for 250 rep with the armies of legionfall

Комментарий от lolana

How do you destroy the portals and get credit?

Комментарий от Slythistle

Since no one has pointed it out yet, while Minerva is (very briefly) in the Frost artifact line, she has a much more substantial appearance in the Blood artifact line, serving as the counterpart to Sliver in wanting to rescue the captured DKs. As the wikis also mention Dagnar (her companion in the Frost line), it is possible the quest chooses which DK you rescue based on your faction (Dagnar being a dwarf). Minerva’s presence in the line seems to make more sense given several lines referencing being dead and rotting.

Комментарий от Cupcakee

I just really want rainbows to shoot from my butt too like that picture. I’m all about the little things in life.

Комментарий от russclaude

You can also gain LegionFall War Supplies from Call Order Hall Missions, they are roughly around 20 each mission

Комментарий от MaraSedai1313

So much rep we have to gain and we get it in such tiny numbers! Unless you can play 18 hours a day how are you supposed to get enough rep to fly? I’m more than a little salty about this as you can tell!

Комментарий от Moacir72

Before all, sry for my engl

I was 9967/12000 and i do a quest behinde enemy portals, at 04/09/2017, around 5pm (braziliam time), and i not gain any reputation with armies of the legionfall. Then this means that after some reputations, u will do no gain reputarion anymore with world quests and u need to running all broken shore for lagionfall war supplies? This is ridiculous.

Комментарий от Cekis

Wanted to CONFIRM that Большой знак Армии погибели Легиона is a reward from doing the 3 daily quests for the Маги Кирин-Тора в Даларане daily rep quest. Rewards you with 750 rep for the Армия погибели Легиона faction. The rep token is soulbound once awarded.

Комментарий от 6by6n6

Took me just under a week of not-very-aggressive play to get from from honored to revered.

— 5 world quests a day: that’s 375 rep a day, plus 125 Припасы Армии погибели Легиона a day.
— I get at least one order hall table mission awarding 75 Припасы Армии погибели Легиона every day. So that makes it 200 supplies a day. Which means 300 rep a day from contributing to the buildings (150 rep for contributing 100 supplies to any building).
— So 675 rep per day (4725 rep in a week) just from 5 world quests per day.
1500 rep from the Защитники Армии погибели Легиона questline.
1000 rep from the Cathedral of Eternal night quest to kill Mephistroth (Altar of the Aegis)
— Got 750 rep from a Kirin Tor Emissary quest (Большой знак Армии погибели Легиона)
1500 rep for completing the first legion assault (Defending Broken Isles)
— I usually got one (sometimes 2) order hall table mission awarding 2 Знак Армии погибели Легиона per day, that’s 250 rep each, so 500 a day, so 3500 per week. note: Some of the missions are lvl 900, some are 830. So i guess you need to have at least a champion lvl’d up to get more than one of these missions per day.

Just a tip: Do not try to get these missions to 200%… 100% is enough to get the 2 insignias and you can use your spare champion on another mission.

There you go. 12,975 rep in a week. Even without the Kirin Tor emissary quest.. that’s enough for honored to revered. Of course, i am not counting the 6000 u need to get to Honored, but I am also not counting the bonus rep u gain along the way by miscellaneous quests etc. I am also not counting the significant rep you get from the initial Breaching the tomb quests. I seriously started grinding last week once i got to honored.. and done in under a week.

So don’t get bogged down by the ‘only 75 rep per world quest’…. not too bad a grind.

Please don’t take this as a guide, more of an example of how i did it. You may have done some of these quests before hitting honored. As I write, the next step of Breaching the Tomb is also now available (Shard Times) which gives another 1500 rep. Another Kirin Tor emissary quest popped yesterday for another 750. I wrote this 7 days ago & then decided to relax & stop grinding. But I am now 9.4k into revered. Without grinding world quests.

Комментарий от wruin

I got flying last night. Here are a few tips for gaining Armies of Legionfall reputation:

1. You can gain 500 rep for doing class hall missions. That is without the bonus. The missions I saw required ilvl 900 minions.
2. Random reputation caches from class hall missions can reward Armies of Legionfall reputation (250).
3. Elite world bosses on the Broken Shore reward 750 reputation.

Комментарий от dicci

I got flying on the 11th April, exalted on the 21st… and now I’m nearly at paragon 1 but I can’t seem to find info on what the paragon cache can give. Anyone know?

Комментарий от Owlmanjones

It took me roughly 3 weeks to gain exalted. I haven’t seen anything about my class hall mount, I assume it releases with tomb?

Комментарий от Owlmanjones

It took me roughly 3 weeks to earn exalted from release of 7.2. I haven’t seen anything about my class hall mount I assume they release with tomb?

Комментарий от Elfizm

Just a minor error but, your link for Thaumaturge Vashreen is for the one in Stormwind with the title .

The one on the Vindicaar has the title <Purveyor of Exquisite Furnishings> and will show the list of what he sells.


Защитники Армии погибели Легиона — Достижение


Комментарий от Nerrevar

Here are the Class Hall Champions each class will earn:
  • Death Knight: Минерва Воронья Скорбь- Death Knights will recognize her from the Frost artifact acquisition quest.
  • Demon Hunter: Леди С’тэно. Currently the recruiter for troops, she’ll join in the Mission battle herself.
  • Druid: Тизали Ворона. Thisalee was first seen in the Cataclysm in Mount Hyjal and later became a Garrison Follower, Thisalee Crow, from the story campaign in Warlords of Draenor.
  • Hunter: Ночная охотница Сиренна. Currently she is a hard-hitting, EQ-flavoured mob in Suramar.
  • Mage: Этас Похититель Солнца, who is the leader of the Sunreavers and a quest giver in Wrath of the Lich King and Mists of Pandaria
  • Monk: Хмелевар Альма
  • Paladin:Нерус Лунный Клык , a rare Night Elf paladin.
  • Priest: Эльталисте, a Priest trainer from the Undercity
  • Rogue: Принцесса Тесс Седогрив / Лилиан Восс(Alliance follower), daughter of Genn, now heir to the Gilneas throne, Принцесса Тесс Седогрив / Лилиан Восс(Horde follower), the famous hunter of necromancers you fought as a boss in the revamped Scholomance.
  • Shaman: Магата Зловещий Тотем, the tauren who engineered the death of Cairne Bloodhoof and subsequently exiled
  • Warlock:Канретад Чернодрев, an NPC we last saw as the main opponent during the Black Harvest/Green Fire scenario for Warlocks.
  • Warrior: Лорд Дарий Краули / Эйтригг(Alliance follower), former leader of the Gilneas Liberation Front, Лорд Дарий Краули / Эйтригг(Horde follower), advisor to the Horde Warchief

Комментарий от lAwful

So another nefl paladin follower for paladins? I wonder if that’ll be a class option for players soon. 😮

Комментарий от hevgirl

the Армия погибели Легиона Campaign questline is not a requirement for Первопроходец Расколотых островов, часть 2 Legion Flying

Комментарий от Andreyas87

So exactly what triggers these quests to start? I’ve done the Broken Shore intro scenario and the mount quest. Does it have to be at a certain point or is it because of reputation?

Комментарий от NinTanDao64

Has anybody figured out how and where to recruit these new followers?

Комментарий от CircadianGamer

According to MadSeasonShow, it seems this quest has a daily chance at spawning…see the video

Комментарий от Hollo6

Проникновение в Гробницу

Комментарий от lightclaw

This quest / achievement is part of the Broken Shores campaign. It is not available at this time (7.2 launch) and if the 11 week timeline that people have reported is correct, it will probably not be until April 11, based on the number of items left to complete in the Проникновение в Гробницу achievement.

Комментарий от DonPoleno

According to the blue post, will be available on week 3 of the 7.2 patch:

Week 3: Chapter 5 of the Class Order Hall campaign unlocks, which activates new followers, new Order Hall upgrades, and class-specific World Quests

Комментарий от Tayas

To get the start quest for your new champion to appear you have to have completed a legion invasion. You do not have to have completed the Cathedral of Light dungeon quest.

Комментарий от Garrash

Is it somehow depends on your artifact trait number? As I did this morning on my lock which has Honored rep and 42 traits and my feral with 40 traits doesn’t receive this quest although it has more rep than lock (9k out of 12k) ?

Комментарий от Qsram

This also gives you an extra slot for champions in your roster, bringing the total up to 6, without any further order hall research.

You can then research an additional slot bringing your total up to 7 active champions if you choose your order hall version of Дополнительный защитник.

Комментарий от mistressjaskra

Okay, I’m stumped. I completed the available questline on my main, but my DH is stuck.
I can’t find this quest on the Broken Shore map like I was able to with my main.

I have done the following:

I have completed an invasion.
I have completed a Cathedral dungeon.
I have achieved Honored with Armies of Legionfall.
I have completed both Artifact empowerment quest lines.

I have not completed:

Order Hall Campaign
The Hunt for Illidan Stormrage Campaign.

Are these required to access the Champions of Legionfall quest?

Side Note: The Demon Hunter is a server/faction transfer. I’ve noticed some wonky scenarios in relation to this.
(Ex. I didn’t bother doing the start quest for alliance initially; I couldn’t access the Outlands portal in the mage tower in SW until I completed it.)

Any suggestions, or insights?


Confirmed: Quest became available after completing Order Hall Campaign.

Комментарий от zeiz

Broken as of 2017-05-22

Tells me to go to my order hall and recruit a new champion but nothing tehre at all to do.

Комментарий от Boxofbeer

Before you can pick up these questline, you have to pick up Защитники Армии погибели Легиона from Майев Песнь Теней on the Broken Shore.
Each class got one new class hall champion in 7.2 patch (except mages and paladins, they got two).
First quests can be picked up in class halls. There are some info.

Комментарий от desius


I see mentioned here that some people were not able to get this quest to pop, and they were thinking this was gated by reputation. One poster suggesting you need to honored with Армия погибели Легиона.

Currently, I am running through this on my 7th alt and was having trouble to get it to pop for my hunter.

I had not completed Пауки, значит?, so I did so in order to gain more rep. However, when I got back to Deliverance Point after completing Пауки, значит?… Защитники Армии погибели Легиона was waiting for me. My character is only at Friendly, for reputation.

So, it appears you need to at least start Золотая жила quest chain before you can progress with this portion of Проникновение в Гробницу.

This was my experience, and will confirm on my next alt and post results here.

Комментарий от Neurroo

On druid I had a problem with this achievement.
I could not find the NPC, which gave me further progress in Achiev.
Finally I wrote a ticket to support.
The problem was that I forgot in the past one Q in a druid campaign scenario.
Entry was in Emeral Dreamweave, there’s Nightmare portal!
My forgotten task was «The war of the ancient».
Perhaps it will help someone in completing this achievement progress.

Комментарий от Tequima

To gain the achievement, once you have «recruited your Legionfall champion», you need to return to Broken Shore to complete the quest Защитники Армии погибели Легиона with Майев Песнь Теней.

This achievement is one of the requirements to unlock flying in the Broken Isles (flying is not available on Argus and the devs have stated it will not be implemented as it would require a complete re-design of the models). You will also need to:

Комментарий от Haqin

I found I had missed the quest A Hero’s Weapon (link to list of all class versions), which needed to be done for this quest chain to become available.
It’s easy to miss as it *was* needed to upgrade your weapon, but now that just happens automatically as you level it up — which is why I hadn’t gone looking for it.

I had otherwise completed the Order Hall quest chain and all stages of Breaching the Tomb up to this one, which seem to be the other requirements to unlock this.
(No dungeon run as it’s not part of the achievements, but had done an invasion, as that is part)

Комментарий от Gint1h

Okay, I admit I am an old fart that is still learning. I have a 110 Tauren Druid, tank, was playing him since BC. However, left wow for a while and now I am playing more, have a problem. I cannot figure out what I need for Champions of Legionfall. I read all the things in here, but cannot find a quest that can get me on track for this. I may have started it at one time, but cannot find anywhere to figure out just where I am. Oh I know, i am such a noob. But honestly at 70, the mind is not as quick or as responsive as it used to be. Any help is much appreciated. this has blocked me from more followers, and on my tree. TIA

Комментарий от Trylion

Please upvote.

In order to get Legionfall, you have to complete all of your Order Hall quests. Then you will get a questline from Odyn to talk to Arelyia to take you to Helheim and then to Broken Shore to rescue LORD DARIUS CROWLEY. This information is scattered all over wowhead but noone has broken it down.

You won’t find Darius unless you have started the Legionfall Campaign.

Just a note I heard Darius was sitting very hard to see next to Odyn. Maybe later he is but nope! He is not on Broken Shore either unless you are doing the MISSING IN ACTION: LORD DARIUS CROWLEY quest, which is an encounter BTW. You have to rescue him from a crate and some squads and disable some portals with a horn you get from some norwegian chick. 😛

Комментарий от chucknourish3

For new players/alts, you need Дополнительный защитникRoster of Champions

Комментарий от Okposognome

To all alt players,

Be sure you start and completely finish your class-specific Order Hall campaign quest line, or Maiev will not offer you the Champions of the Legionfall quest on the Broken Shore.

In the event you started the Class Hall quest line, but along the way you failed to pick up the next quest in the chain, you will not see a class hall section in your quest long (leading you to believe that you finished the campaign). The easiest way to find these quests is opening your map and check each zone of the Broken Isles for dark yellow question marks. They stand out (in your map) from all the other zone-specific story line quests that are available to you, so you can’t miss them.

Комментарий от Delife

Can you still get this achievement in 8.2?

Комментарий от scarysmurf

Yes, in 8.0+ you can still get your flying class mount and do the achievement.

For me, the Champions of Legionfall quest wouldn’t show up. On my demon hunter, I had a quest I couldn’t complete: One more thing… It turns out that I had to do a few things first:

1. Switch specs (to Vengence).
2. Equip corresponding legion artifact weapon.
3. Disable my ElvUI addon. I couldn’t get the big dumb «raise weapon» button to appear with the addon active. Once I disabled the addon and relogged, the big button showed up and I was able to complete the quest.


Руководство: как открыть полеты на Расколотых островах / World of Warcraft

Учимся летать в дополнении Legion

Хотите подняться в воздух в дополнении Legion? Узнайте, как получить достижение «Первопроходец Расколотых островов – часть 2» и разблокировать полеты над Расколотым берегом для всех своих персонажей.


Чтобы подняться в небо, вам необходимо получить три достижения:

  • «Первопроходец Расколотых островов, часть 1»;

  • «Исследуйте Расколотый берег»;

  • «Командир Армии погибели Легиона».

В этой статье мы немного расскажем о каждом из них и приведем ссылки на полезные руководства.

Первопроходец Расколотых островов, часть 1

Первая часть достижения «Первопроходец» состоит из пяти достижений.

  • «Расколотые острова» — откройте все скрытые области карты мира на Расколотых островах. Мы подготовили руководство, чтобы помочь вам добраться до самых труднодоступных мест.

  • «Хранитель мудрости Legion» — выполните основные сюжетные задания, путешествуя по пяти зонам дополнения Legion. А наше руководство поможет вам в ваших похождениях по Сурамару.

  • «Разнообразие – вот что придает вкус жизни» — выполните 100 разных локальных заданий. Инструкция вам в помощь.

  • «Дипломат Расколотых островов» — заслужите почтение фракций во всех пяти зонах. Путешествуйте по зонам, выполняйте задания посланников — и достижение будет у вас в кармане.

  • «Славная кампания» — завершите кампанию вашего оплота класса! Сделать оплот поистине великим вам поможет наше руководство.

Исследуйте Расколотый берег

Вам предстоит открыть все области на карте мира в новой игровой зоне на Расколотых островах. Скорее в седло! Вы и глазом не успеете моргнуть, как разберетесь с этим достижением.

Вот области, которые нужно открыть:

  • Вершина Избавления;

  • Берег Мертвого Леса;

  • Руины Душ;

  • Расколотая долина;

  • Терраса Слез;

  • Гробница Саргераса;

  • Берег Ярости Скверны;

  • Ущелье Огня Скверны.

Командир Армии погибели Легиона

Теперь вы можете снискать благосклонность новой фракции — Армии погибели Легиона. Существует немало способов заслужить почтение этих смельчаков: это и выполнение разнообразных заданий (в том числе сюжетных заданий Расколотого берега и локальных заданий), и возведение построек на Расколотом берегу, и многое другое. Первое же задание в обновлении 7.2, «Штурм Расколотого берега», принесет вам хорошую репутацию, и вскоре вы с Армией погибели Легиона будете не разлей вода.

В небо!

Получив все достижения, призовите любимого летающего зверя, чтобы взглянуть на Расколотые острова с нового ракурса. Жутковатая красота Сурамара, покрытые лесами земли Валь’шары, каменистые склоны Штормхейма — весь мир как на ладони!

Мечтаете о небе над Расколотыми островами? Поделитесь своими эмоциями в комментариях.


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