Airbus A330-300: самый крупный и комфортный
Мы продолжаем знакомить читателей с интересной и полезной в путешествиях информацией о наиболее часто используемых в чартерных перевозках моделях самолётов. Очередной лайнер, с характеристиками и наиболее удобными местами которого предлагаем познакомиться — Airbus A330-300.
Модель эксплуатируется многими компаниями, например, Аэрофлот и Ifly. Самолет — крупнейший из двухдвигательных семейства лайнеров Airbus, поставляется в авиакомпании с 1993 года. Судно выполняет рейсы до 10 000 километров, так что тур на самолете может быть довольно дальним.
Самый крупный и комфортный
Лайнер Airbus A330-300 интересен не только своими размерами, но и универсальностью конструкции: в ее основу положены узлы и механизмы других самолетов производителя. При этом в некоторых системах модели был сделан упор на высокую технологичность.
Так, некоторые элементы фюзеляжа выполнены из композитного материала, что обеспечило меньшую массу судна. Кабина оборудована электронной системой управления, жидкокристаллическими экранами и джойстиками. Характерными чертами A330-300 является хорошая звукоизоляция салона, а также удобные пассажирские кресла.
Взгляд в салон
Airbus 330-300 имеет несколько вариантов компоновки салона — от 237 до 440 мест. Существует и конфигурация с 325-ю, а также с 295-ю сиденьями — в зависимости от количества классов. При этом предусмотрены разнообразные варианты размещения кресел: салон модели способствует широкой вариативности.
В одной из распространенных компоновок передние ряды (пять или шесть) занимает бизнес-класс. В этой части салона комфортные места, позволяющие пассажирам максимально откинуть спинку кресла. Однако самые передние ряды близки к кухне, что может создать некоторые неудобства. На 11-й и 29-й ряды стоит обратить внимание тем, кто отправляется в полет с маленькими детьми. Эти ряды оборудованы специальными креплениями для люлек. 29-й ряд, кроме того, удобен и дополнительным местом для ног, а недостатками можно считать близость информационных табло и санузлов. 27-й, 28-й, 44-й и 45-й ряды экономкласса — не самые комфортные за счет зафиксированных спинок и близости санузлов. И, наконец, места 41-го ряда несколько сдвинуты в проход, что не совсем удобно для пассажиров крайних мест.
Самолет в цифрах
Характеристики самолета Airbus A330 | ||||||
Страна-производитель | Количество посадочных мест | Длина, м | Высота, м | Масса, кг | Крейсерская скорость, км/ч | Максимальная высота полета, м |
Франция | 237 / 325 / 387 | 63,6 | 16,85 | 123 100 | 880 | 11 800 |
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Схема салона Airbus A330-300 (333) Turkish Airlines. Лучшие места в самолете Турецкие Авиалинии Аэробус А330-300 (333)
Аэробус А330-300 (333) авиакомпании Турецкие Авиалинии с 2 классами и 289 сиденьями на борту. С помощью наглядной схемы салона и отзывов пассажиров вы узнаете где находятся лучшие места, а какие стоит избегать.
Коснитесь сиденья на карте чтобы увидеть подробности
- Розетки
- Развлекательная система
- Wi-Fi
Характеристики салона
Класс | Шаг | Ширина | Ряд | Кол-во |
Бизнес класс Lie-flat | 61 | 21 | 1-5 | 28 |
Эконом Стандартное сиденье | 31-33 | 17-18 | 6-40 | 261 |
2/7/2020, место 10J
The seats have to little space for international flight that takes more than 10h. On the flight from Graz oz Ljubljana to Istanbul (also Turkish airlines) are much more confortable and the flight is 2h long. I don’t fly with Turkish anymore.
2/4/2020, место #NA
Looking forward to a great time on board Turkish airlines
12/5/2019, место 35K
Among the most incomfortable flights due to extremly restricted legroom. 10 very long hours, impossible to get any sleep. Sorry TK, but you have to improve legroom in economy.
11/27/2019, место 37F
due to the curvature, the layout here is 2-3-2, so the D and F seats on row 37 has a bit more legroom if you’d like to risk stretching your feet in the isle. I did and was fine, no one bumped into me, and that was the only way the flight was bearable. Any other seat except the ones with extra legroom doesn’t cut it for me (1.83 m tall). It’s just a horrible experience. Also their IFE is very old and touchsreen barely works.
9/24/2019, место 7A
Ausreichend Platz, bequem, Beinfreiheit verbesserungsfähig
9/24/2019, место 29j
by far the worst legroom.i flied with TK athens to instabul and then phuket.even the athens to instabul had better leg room. never again with them
8/17/2019, место 7A
Legroom in 7A and every other standard economy seat is short if you are 5’10 or above. The Leg rest makes it worse.They usually fly the 777 on the route i was on but had some equipment changes. Seat back is okay not that comfortable. Only Good thing is the 2-4-2 layout which makes the plane feel less crammed compared to the 777. Another good this is this plane has front and bottom cams so watching take offs and landings is fun on the IFE.
7/11/2019, место 3E
Terrific seat, spacious, useful storage places in front of you for shoes, kit, sweater, blanket. Terrific crew and food.
5/21/2019, место 1A
Flew on TK004 from JFK to IST in Business Class. Food is outstanding. Rest was on par with other airlines (ex. ME3 + Singapore) . Great bang for the buck, if you’re looking to fly BC.
5/17/2019, место 3D
Traveled from ARN earlier today with an A300-200 to IST. Brand new and great experience. Now I’m on TK64 a IST-BKK on A300-300. Still very nice but I think a bit older. But forget about the aircraft….the service, food etc are extraordinary!!
2/26/2019, место 36A
being 1.83 m tall, 36A was HORRIBLE, my knees were stuck in the metal part from the front seat. It’s the most uncomfortable seat I’ve ever flown in, LCC included. The return leg was flown in a 77W which had a more generous seat. Too bad that the soft product of THY is really great, their A333’s are ruining it for me, never again !
10/9/2018, место 5a
Unlike my previous flight on this type of aircraft with TK (4E), this seat was not so good on this IST-Seoul flight. The noise from the galley was a major concern, especially since this was an overnight flight. Loud talking of the crew and pots, pans and china wear being arranged. There was also an obvious lack of lavatories for Business Class (only one in the front, and the two in the galley section were systematically used by economy class passengers). To me this lack of lavatories is a major draw back. Crew attention was varying. The menu was nice although one of the three main courses was missing from the start, IFE very good and boarding in IST just OK (busses to the airport, no priority boarding for Business class passengers). Storing carry-on luggage was also a challenge since the overhead bins are at the start half filled with the sheets and pillows for the night. The seat is very comfortable and access to the aisle for a window seat is great. I just have to carefully pick my seat next time on board this A330-300. Punctuality was excellent. Turkish airlines does provide a good value for money.
10/4/2018, место 7A
Good flight, food excellent
9/27/2018, место 22B
As expected, bad seats!
9/19/2018, место 34J
I am a bit over 6’3″ (191 cm), and the legroom was horrible. I literally could not sit in the seat without the metal bar from the seatback in front of me pressing into my knee. So for 11+ hours, I had to twist my legs into weird configurations to TRY to make the pain go away. To little avail. The built-in foot rest is great for shorter people like my wife but makes it even harder to twist my legs since they cannot go under the seat in front of me. The width was acceptable. The service was competent, and the food was decent. The staff was friendly, but they do not come out to check on things. If Turkish Airlines can address the seat pitch issue, I would fly it again. Right now, though, I will not since I cannot go through that much knee pain over that much time.
7/3/2018, место 6D
If you are over 6’2″ this seat is a problem. Best seat will be 24 AD JK with emergency exit…..6D also is for mothers with young babies so beware as I spent 9 hours with 2 screaming babies on flight from Boston to Istanbul…..Flight crew is especially nice compared to typical american crews… was actually ok….if you are 6’2″ and above you have to get emergency row or you will feel extremely cramped and subject to babies crying for 9 hours!!!
4/22/2018, место 3A
What a wonderful experience captain gave cabin crew pep talk prior to flight, not necessary as all staff lead by excellent purses treated us like royalty, lovely local flight, lounge not to be missed, people wonderful with many cultures. See you again in three weeks.
4/22/2018, место 4E
Connected from a short haul (TK1920) to fly IST-BKK on 15 April 2018 at 1.25 AM. Punctual departure. Generous seating arrangement, lie flat. Just after reaching sufficient altitude the crew comes to arrange the bed with seat cover/sheet (unless you still want the meal) and pillow. Little idea about food, IFE and drinks since I slept almost the whole flight (I take a sleeping tablet for overnight flights; that works wonderfully). An army of crew for business class manage to deliver a perfect service in a very comfortable seat arrangement. Upon leaving the aircraft I got a priority card for immigration and in a breeze I was out of the airport. Flight was slightly early and my driver was about to arrive when I left the luggage area.
1/25/2018, место 6A
The best seat! Lots of legroom as there is no seat in front of you.
12/2/2017, место 26G
Announcements were loud (also too frequent) and annoying while repetitious; no »welcome to. .. or time, temperature report on landing. Rough approach to commercial flying/operations. Seat 26G is a tight seat for anyone over 1.9m /6»3’with little leg room; managed a better seat w/ helpful attendant at front of Eco, section. Great service and above average food. Entertainment was VGood to excellent , live TV was great- BBC, CNBC, Sky and other channels. Sameplane on JNB to IST /same day, same review. Best airline in Europe? …maybe not!
A333 Airbus A330-300 — Система отслеживания полетов RadarBox
A333 Airbus A330-300 — Система отслеживания полетов RadarBoxОбновление сейчас
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12:00 AST
13 :45 AST
Shenzhen Airlines
17:00 CST
20:15 CST
Lucky Air
17:00 CST
19:25 CST
Beijing Airlines
17:00 CST
19:30. 0053 (BRU/EBBR)
10:00 CET
13:00 EDT
Delta Air Lines
10:00 CET
13:30 по восточному поясному времени
10:00 CET
15:35 CDT
Virgin Atlantic Airways
08:55 GMT

China Airlines
16:55 PST
19:05 CST
11:55 TRT
15:35 AST
Hainan Airlines
16:50 CST

Swiss International Air Lines
09:50 CET
14:05 EDT
China Airlines
16:50 CST
18:50 HKT
Swiss International Air Lins (JFK/KJFK)
Cathay Pacific Airways
16:50 HKT
18:35 ICT
11:45 AST
12:55 EET
China Airlines
17:45 JST
20:55 CST
Hawaiian Airlines
22:45 HST
07:25 PDT
15:45 ICT
22:05 KST
Korean Air
17:40 KST
18:50 KST
Cathay Pacific Airways
16:40 HKT
21:15 KST
Asiana Airlines
17:35 KST
21:40 ALMT
China Eastern Airlines
11:35 AST
13:45 EET
Wenzhou, China
Landing time derived from ADS-B/Radar data
China Airlines
16:30 CST
19:35 JST
Aeroflot Russian Airlines
11:30 MSK
18:00 GST
Asiana Airlines
17:30 KST
18:40 KST

Beijing Airlines
16:30 CST
18:55 CST
16:30 WITA
21:45 CST
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